We’re all being encouraged to ‘get out there’ and ‘adjust to the new normal’ which is all well and good for essential trips but how does that work for a social event for groups especially when most of the guests are in the ‘at risk’ category?
From October events in the UK will recommence with the hope of things being largely back to normal by Christmas. We have seen a sharp increase in the number of Christmas party enquiries into our sister company The Christmas Party People as well as corporate event enquiries into Brief2Event.
We are sure that, for the majority, the desire is to get away for the weekend with friends and family and have a great time in a wonderful hotel. However what protection is there for the Worshipful Master or Festival Secretary who is signing the contract and what assurances can he give to the guests being invited along?
We have received COVID safety information from most of the major hotel groups with detailed information from pre-arrival to check-in, promises regarding bedroom cleanliness, how public areas are kept safe yet practical, new rules for the restaurant/bars and, of course, detailed information about the running of events. We will ensure that once you have shortlisted your preferred venues you will be provided with the hotel’s COVID policy, so you are fully aware.
We are working hard to find the middle ground between providing contracts that ensure you have all you need from the hotel but have more flexibility with regards the unpredictable nature of final numbers. At the same time, we are ensuring clauses exist to ensure, should the situation be similar come your event the option to postpone or walk away is there.
We’re hoping that with the increased use and knowledge of communication within Lodges via WhatsApp groups and Zoom calls you’re going to have a better way to promote these events and keep on top of expected numbers. We can help with software that allows you to mail everyone to get an idea of the likelihood of them supporting, along with the number of people they’ll bring. This can be done ahead of contracting to give you the added confidence to confirm your event.
Our service remains free to the Lodge as it is your chosen venue that pays us a commission post event. Thanks to our large spend into UK hotels across three companies we are able to negotiate better rates than going direct. We have been booking Masonic events since 1997 so know exactly what you need to make your event a success and we’re on hand to offer the support you need throughout the life of your event.